Fix err_connection_refused Error in Google Chrome.

Google Chrome displays an ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED error message when a website is unable to respond to a request to connect to it. While this sounds like a server-side problem (and it could very well be), many reasons such as outdated DNS cache and conflicting network settings can also cause the error.

How to Fix the ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED Error in Chrome

If restarting the website, restarting Chrome, or restarting your PC or Mac did not help, please review the list of troubleshooting tips below to resolve the issue.



1. Check Website Status


To rule out potential server side issues, you should check the status of the website by launching its URL with an online tool like Downdetector or CurrentDown.

If you receive a message that the site is not available to everyone, you must wait until the site comes back online. You can also notify the webmaster via email or social media to speed up the process.


2. Clear DNS Cache


If the site is open to everyone but not you, the likely cause of the ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED error is an outdated DNS (Domain Name System) cache. Removing it should force your computer to update the IP address (Internet Protocol) of the website, which may have changed since you last accessed it.